Title: Luxchain
Description: Platform for buying and selling luxury watch shares.
Goal: To develop software for the thesis of two PhD students from the Politecnico di Milano, aimed at verifying the effectiveness of an innovative approach to selling luxury watches.
Technologies used: Flutter, Node.js, Express, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Firebase Storage, Next.js, Tailwind CSS.
Role in the project: Project Manager, Full Stack Developer.

Visual Showcase

Luxchain | dashboard-watches

The dashboard allows monitoring the number of shares sold per day, the capital exchanged, the number of accesses, and new users. It also provides a complete list of all watches available on the platform and allows the addition of new ones. There is also a list of users currently logged into the app.

Luxchain | dashboard-watches
Luxchain | dashboard-watches
Luxchain | dashboard-watches

The application allows users to manage their wallet, view individual watches along with their details and performance, browse watches for sale, and check their shares available for sale. Users can also track their transaction history and maintain a list of their favorites.

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